
Butts In Seats: The Tony Schiavone Story

Created by Travis McIntire

A biographical journey through the career of legendary wrestling color commentator, Tony Schiavone, as told through comics!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Another wrestling-adjacent graphic novel of interest...
7 months ago – Tue, Jan 02, 2024 at 04:09:40 PM

Hey all!

I hope the start to 2024 is treating you well!

I just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know about another wrestling-adjacent autobiographical graphic novel that's now live on Kickstarter:

Legendary Detroit Red Wings player and frequent professional wrestling personality Darren McCarty has his own graphic novel now on Kickstarter!

DARREN McCARTY: LIFE IS A GRIND, ENJOY MY TRUTH is a 180-page graphic novel detailing the life and adventures (of which there are many) of four-time Stanley Cup winner Darren McCarty.

Wrestling fans (such as many of us) may also know Darren from his appearance at Impact Wrestling Slammiversary where he was a Special Enforcer and even squared-up against Bully Ray or from his continuing appearances as a wrestler, manager, and/or special guest at numerous independent wrestling shows.

Given Darren's fandom of -- and involvement with -- the world of professional wrestling, this graphic novel also features guest appearances by professional wrestlers including Ric Flair, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock,  X-Pac, Bob Holly,and D'Lo Brown among others.

You can check out the campaign and pledge for a copy of the graphic novel -- or more -- at for the next TWELVE DAYS, so don't wait to check it out and get your pledge in! BUTTS IN SEATS illustrator John Marroquin illustrated the full book, so -- as you'll see on the Kickstarter page -- it's a gorgeous comic to add to your collection!

Thanks again all!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

The spine hits the pine this Friday!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Dec 13, 2022 at 06:24:21 PM

There's three days left to get your ARN ANDERSON KS Exclusive HC!

Hey friends!

This is one quick final check in to let you know that the Kickstarter campaign for ARN ANDERSON: MY LIFE AS THE ENFORCER -- which can be most easily accessed at -- ends this Friday at 4:44 PM EST!

As I type this we're less than one book pledge away from the SEVENTH Stretch Goal of the campaign, which will unlock the gold gilded pages on the book along with the quadruple-autographed book plate (including by Arn himself, of course) and more:

Remember... ANY pledge level that includes the KS Exclusive Hardcover of the book gets ALL the Stretch Goals... so if you haven't jumped in yet, now's the time!

I'm thinking it's very likely if our support continues these last three days that we'll unlock the KS Exclusive hatpin, too!

Finally, as always, thanks for your support on our projects,  everyone! I'll close this out with a word about Arn from a man near and dear to all of us...

Thanks again! We appreciate you!

Reppin' team BUTTS IN SEATS,

Dirk Manning

Second Stretch Goal unlocked on ARN ANDERSON: MY LIFE AS THE ENFORCER!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Nov 24, 2022 at 02:27:27 AM

Have you pledged for your Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover Edition of the new Arn Anderson biographical graphic novel yet?

Hey friends!

I hope this message finds you all well and -- for those of you celebrating Thanksgiving this Thursday -- prepping for a wonderful holiday!

I just wanted to give you all a quick update/reminder that the Kickstarter Exclusive hardcover edition of ARN ANDERSON: MY LIFE AS THE ENFORCER has just unlocked the *SECOND* Stretch Goal in the "Four Horsemen of Comic Book Signatures" at, meaning the KS Exclusive Hardcover now comes with a KS Exclusive Bookplate and the first of four signatures by Dirk Manning (hey -- that's me!), artists Colm Griffin and Shawn Daley, and then the man Arn Anderson himself!

Here's the details:

This book follows in the tradition of BUTTS IN SEATS: THE TONY SCHIAVONE STORY, this time focusing on the life and in-ring career of legendary professional pioneer "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson!
The first two Stretch Goals in the quest to unlock "The Four Horsemen of Comic Book Signatures" have been unlocked!

As you all know from the BUTTS IN SEATS campaign, the more people who pledge, the more free upgrades everyone gets, and we're very excited to be able to tell Arn's story -- his TRUE story -- in this new graphic novel!

Pledge for your copy now at and let's unlock all four signatures in Round One... for starters!

Thanks all!

Reppin' Team BUTTS IN SEATS,

Dirk Manning

We're closing in on signed ARN ANDERSON graphic novels...
over 1 year ago – Sat, Nov 19, 2022 at 04:52:59 AM


We're quickly closing in on hitting our funding goal for ARN ANDERSON: MY LIFE AS THE ENFORCER in the first week... and several of you have reached out about whether of not there's going to be an option to get the book signed if you purchase one.

The answer is not only an enthusiastic "Yes!"... but "Yes" four times over!

We don't plan on sharing this publicly until later, but given that you've show our previous venture into professional wrestling comic such success, we wanted to give you all a Sneak Peak at what's on the horizon:

"The Four Horsemen" of Comic Signatures

As you can see above, upon getting funded our "Round One" Stretch Goals will unlock a Kickstarter Exclusive Book Plate which will then have spaces for FOUR autographs on it... including Arn Anderson himself! How cool is that?

If you haven't pledged for your copy yet, please consider going so to help us unleash "The Four Horsemen of Comic Signatures" for everyone!

If you have already pledged, we appreciate you continuing to help spread the word through social media and to peers who you feel might enjoy this amazing 128-page tell-all graphic novel! The easiest link to share is

Thanks all! Happy Friday, and thanks for supporting "The Enforcer" and his whole team on this venture!


Source Point Press

The ARN ANDERSON Graphic Novel Kickstarter is now live!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 02:04:32 AM

Finally... Arn Anderson's story is being told in a new graphic novel!

Hey all! In case you may have missed the news online, ARN ANDERSON: MY LIFE AS THE ENFORCER launched on Kickstarter at earlier this afternoon!

This campaign is the only way to get the KS Exclusive Hardcover Edition of the book... and all Stretch Goals we unlock!

This 128-page graphic novel was written by me with Arn Anderson himself (of course), illustrated by Colm Griffin and Shawn Daley, lettered by Justin Birch, edited by Drena Jo, andbeing published by Source Point Press.

While certainly a bit of a companion piece to BUTTS IN SEATS: THE TONY SCHIAVONE STORY, this new book stands on its own and also utilizes a bit of a different method of storytelling, weaving between sequences with "modern day Arn" (fully illustrated by Arn) detailing his life leading-up to -- and then forever changing -- professional wrestling in extended "classic" sequences (fully illustrated by Colm).

"I told them no cheese..." (Interior page fully illustrated by Shawn Daley)
"He looks just like an Anderson!" (Interior page fully illustrated by Colm Griffin)

The result is an engaging, exciting, and at times even emotional read... including Arn discussing eventsn in his life he's never publicly discussed before! (No, not even on his podcast!)

This campaign follows the standard 30 day model, and your pledge will not be collected until the campaign ends Friday December 16th at 5:00 PM. I mention this because the sooner you pledge, the more Stretch Goals we unlock and the more free bonuses and upgrades we all get with anynpledge that includes at least the hardcover edition of the book!

A sample of our "Double A" Approved Pledge Levels!

Again, the direct link is  to get to the campaign, so please check it out and get in at the pledge level that excites you the most!

Thanks all!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning