
Butts In Seats: The Tony Schiavone Story

Created by Travis McIntire

A biographical journey through the career of legendary wrestling color commentator, Tony Schiavone, as told through comics!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Digital copies delivered! A pin peek! And... leather?
over 2 years ago – Fri, Nov 19, 2021 at 02:18:56 AM

Digital Copies of BUTTS IN SEATS have been delivered!

Hey all!

Those of you whose pledges included access to a digital PDF of BUTTS IN SEATS should have recieved an email with a BackerKit linkn to your digital copy of  the full book! I've been in touch with Source Point Press, and we hope to have news on the Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover editions of the books being unloaded from their "COVID Cruise" very soon (kudos to those of you who brought that term to my attention), which means they'll then be shipped to the warehouse so we can pack them up with all the other bonus swag and start shipping them out!

And speaking of bonus swag...

I'm just gonna leave this photo right here:

They're real... and they're fabulous!

Remember, these pins are Kickstarter Exclusive. If you're getting one, wear it with pride, friends!

And speaking of Kickstarter Exclusive...

Because I'm big on cross-promotion, this is one final reminder that we're now in the FINAL 24 HOURS of the Kickstarter campaign for the double-header campaign of my flagship horror franchise TALES OF MR. RHEE, and we just announced a 14th and final Stretch Goal which will upgrade the TALES OF MR. RHEE OMNIBUS: ACT ONE to have a Kickstarter Exclusive leather textured cover along with the KS Exclusive gold-gilded pages, the free video game download, and all the other KS Exclusive swag.

The "Both Books" pledge option gets you the whole series to date at the best bundled price -- and ALL the Stretch Goals!

If you've read your digital copy of BUTTSN IN SEATS and enjoyed it I hope you'll consider supporting TALES OF MR. RHEE, as I'd not only like to "unleash the leather" for all backers, but also introduce you so to what may become your other favorite graphic novel purchase of the year.

You can see the campaign and support.ot HERE:

Thanks all! As that campaign nears its end I'm now gearing-up to sign over 2,000 BUTTS IN SEATS bookplates... so expect an update (and more photos) soon!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

Book(s) Update(s)!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 06:20:28 AM

Books... and more books!

Hello everyone!

As I'm sure you're all aware, there continues to be major delays in shipping and unloading at the major ports in California, where the Kickstarter Exclusive hardcover editions of BUTTS IN SEATS are waiting to be delivered and unloaded. As I've mentioned before, Source Point Press handles their own shipping and distribution. so once the books arrive there will be a very quick turn around in getting them delivered.

In the meantime, the Kickstarter Exclusive book plates have arrived for their signatures. There's A LOT of them, and I'm grateful to sign every single one of them for all of you before passing them on to Tony and then artist Josh Werner as part of our thank you for making this campaign so successful! I'll send some photos in the next update so you can see what over 2,000 bookplates look like. 

And speaking of successful campaigns...

The TALES OF MR. RHEE Kickstarter campaign ends this Friday (with TWELVE Stretch Goals and counting)!

As I type this the Kickstarter campaign for TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 5 and the TALES OF MR. RHEE OMNIBUS: ACT ONE has passed $25,000 in presales and unlocked a whopping TWELVE Stretch Goals and counting! This is my long-form horror noir comic series, and in the new TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 5 (a perfect jumping-on point for the series) Mr. Rhee must form an uneasy alliance with demons and demon-hunters alike to stop an evil rock band from summoning The Great Cthulhu.

TALES OF MR. RHEE is a horror noir graphic novel series featuring a street level magician who's trying to save society from (literal) demons they refuse to believe exist! There's a "Both Books" pledge that gets you the OMNIBUS and RHEEv5 both in KS Exclusive Hardcover formats for only $85 with free U.S. shipping!

This campaign, which can be found at, is the only way to get the *KS Exclusive* hardcover editions of both books (the OMNIBUS collects the first four volumes of "Act One" of the series, while Volume Five starts "Act Two"), has unlocked TWELVE Stretch Goals thus far, and has even gotten the endorsement of none other than Tony himself!

While I certainly recognize that TALES OF MR. RHEE isn't a wrestling book, and that a horror comic may not be all your cup of tea, I will say that this is my longest running comic series to date (700 pages total and counting if you get the "Both Books" pledge level), that it's my favorite non-wrestling comic I write, and say we've unlocked TWELVE free Stretch Goals and counting on the campaign, including a free TALES OF MR. RHEE video game with every Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover pledge.

Yes... really:

This is the first graphic novel Kickstarter campaign ever to offer a video game as a free Stretch Goal reward!

Here's a link to the campaign, which also offers free U.S. shipping, meaning what you see is what you pay for what you want to get:

This is a fun series featuring complex characters in dynamic (and at times scary) situations, and, again, I hope you'll consider showing it your support and treating yourself to the books... and perhaps sharing the link with horror fans in your life who might be interested in joining us as well!

Thanks everyone! We'll have more VERY exciting BUTTS IN SEATS updates for you soon (including news on our appearance at C2E2 in Chicago next month) soon!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

Tis the season for horror...
almost 3 years ago – Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 05:22:25 PM

A surprise Tony appearance Halloween weekend! No tricks! Just treats!

Hey all!

First and foremost, I'd be remiss if I didn't announce here that Tony Schiavone has been added tot the guest line-up for Cherry Capital Comic Con in Traverse City, Michigan October 30th and 31st as a guest of Source Point Press! This is a smaller, family-friendly comic con that has long been one of my favorite conventions every year, and while it normally falls over Memorial Day weekend, they're holding a special Halloween edition next weekend. I'll be a guest at the show in Artist Alley as well, and Tony, editor Drena Jo, and I will also be hosting a Butts In Seats panel as part of the festivities Saturday afternoon before we find out if Drena wins the award for the prestigious Gary Reed Independent Comic Creator Award. (She's one of four amazing finalists! Congrats, Drena!)

We realize this is short notice -- especially if you're not in the Midwest -- so if you can't make this one, fear not, we all have two MAJOR comic con appearances in December we'll be announcing soon!

That aside...

Like horror? Or thrillers? Or monsters? How about all three in one?

While we await the final delivery of the Kickstarter Exclusive hardcover copies of BUTTS IN SEATS: THE TONY SCHIAVONE STORY (they should be here any time now, as they're on one of these boats), I've gone ahead and launched the long-awaited Kickstarter for the next graphic novel in my horror graphic novel series TALES OF MR. RHEE with TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 5: "Rockstar Paranoia" from Source Point Press:

Yes, it's Volume 5, but it's also a perfect jumping on point for the whole series. Yes, RHEE-ly...

TALES OF MR. RHEE is my longest-running series of graphic novels, a "Cthulhu Noir" about a street-level magician who is desperately trying to protect the world from a demonic invasion society is trying to deny is real even though it's slowly unfolding right before their very eyes.

(I swear to you all, I didn't mean this to be such a timely topic when I started the series back in 2006!)

If that alone has piqued your interest, you can see more about the book -- and the Kickstarter campaign -- HERE. We're offering a Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover edition of the book for only $35 with FREE U.S. SHIPPING, and we've already unlocked three Stretch Goals in the first three days!

That being said, I get it: Some of you out there are interested in checking this series out, but you're completists and/or want to start at the beginning. Fear not, I got you:

The TALES OF MR. RHEE OMNIBUS: ACT ONE collects the first four volumes of the book into one massive 550-page collection with a cover by James O'Barr, creator of THE CROW!

The TALES OF MR. RHEE OMNIBUS: ACT ONE collects the first four volumes of the series into one massive 550-page totally full color graphic novel... and we're offering it for only $60 (again, with FREE U.S. SHIPPING)... or you can get both the OMNIBUS and RHEEv5 in the "Both Books" bundle for only $85 with FREE U.S. SHIPPING.

(For those of you keeping track at home, RHEEv5 is 140 pages, meaning with the "Both Books" bundle you'll be getting about 700 pages of "Cthulhu Noir" horror comic goodness -- and the whole series to date with all the Stretch Goal goodness -- for only $85 shipped right to your door!)

You can check out the campaign -- and share the link with your friends -- here:

 Thanks in advance, everyone... and don't think for a moment this means there won't be more wrestling comics... because there will be. First, though, I'm returning  (RHEE-turning) to my roots for a moment with my favorite horror comic series just in time for Halloween, and I most sincerely hope you'll consider giving it your support, especially if you're looking for some new engaging, dynamic, and horror-based comics to read by your fellow professional-wrestling pal who wrote Tony's comic with him... and is already working on the next wrestling comic for later in 2022, too!

Thanks all! I appreciate your willingness to check it out very, very much!

Your friend in comics.

Dirk Manning

A New York Comic Con surprise for Tony...
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 02:40:00 AM

A big treat in the Big Apple...

As most of you reading this are probably aware, New York Comic Con is not only the biggest comic convention in the United States, but also marked a symbolic -- and literal -- return to comic cons for a lot of us in the comic industry.

Given that Tony was a guest of the convention -- again, the largest comic convention in the country -- me and Source Point Press wanted to do something extra special for him to commemorate the event... so we did this:

After over a year since our first Zoom call, it was a great honor to give Tony the first copy of his new graphic novel! We're both smiling under the masks, I promise!

This past Friday during his first day at NYCC I was able to give Tony his first copy of BUTTS IN SEATS: THE TONY SCHIAVONE STORY, the graphic novel we co-wrote, that was picked-up by Source Point Press, set a new record for the highest-funded wrestling-based comic in crowdfunding history, that has been advertised on All Elite Wrestling programming, is an Amazon #1 Best-Seller a over a month before its release, and was highlighted on a special panel at New York Comic Con.

We were both sporting large smiles under our masks, I promise.

I know I say it a lot, but I cannot say it enough, friends: On behalf of myself and our whole team, THANK YOU. Truly. This was a moment that we will both carry in our hearts forever, so I wanted to share it with all of you, too, since you're the ones who made it possible.

"Where are the Kickstarter Exclusive hardcovers and when are they shipping?"

As you can tell from the photo, what we were able to give Tony was the mass-market, softcover edition of the book. Most of you here pre-ordered the Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover edition that will also come with all kinds of bonus rewards and swag that you unlocked throughout the campaign.

Well, ALL of the books -- the mass-market TPBs and the Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcovers -- are currently on their way here on a very big (and at times kind of slow) boat.

I don't want to talk (too much) out of school, but in order to get Tony a copy of the book to have in his hands at NYCC, we had to arrange a very special -- and very expensive -- air drop shipment of a small set of the books to make this possible. As such, a few small boxes of the trade paperbacks (only the softcovers) were special delivered, making it possible to give one to Tony and have a few available at the show.

The Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcovers, and the rest of the books, are currently en route on the boat and should be here in time for our proposed November release, fingers crossed. Remember, Source Point Press will be doing their own shipping, meaning there's no "middle person" here. Once we get the books, we can -- and will -- immediately start packing-up the packages and shipping them out to you based on the address on your BackerKit.

I don't want to inundate you all with updates while we're all literally just waiting for the boat to get here at this point, but I wanted to share this moment with all of you and give you an update that, yes, the books are real, they're on their way here, and Tony got his first copy. Congratulations, Tony! You did it... and you've earned it, my friend!

The Next Big Thing

My next graphic novel -- a massive omnibus collecting my longest running horror comic series alongside the release of the newest volume -- will be launching on Kickstarter one week from today,  so if you've enjoyed supporting this campaign -- and are interested in treating yourself to a good horror story to celebrate Halloween -- I hope you'll consider supporting the campaign when it launches next week. You can get a peek at it (and subscribe for a one-time notification upon launch) HERE.

Tis the season... for horror! TALES OF MR. RHEE is my longest running comic series to date, and we're launching a new campaign next week with both an OMNIBUS collecting the first four volumes as well as a Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover of Volume 5! Click to get notification when it goes live, friends!

Again, THANK YOU for making this ALL possible, friends. I can't wait for you to see what's next!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

The next big thing...
almost 3 years ago – Tue, Sep 28, 2021 at 12:22:56 PM

Make sure your BackerKit is all set!

I know I've mentioned this a few times, and from what I can gather most of you are good to go, but make sure your shipping address and such is all set on the  BackerKit. Remember, this is what Source Point Press will use to get your address to ship your packages!

Keep in mind, though, I CANNOT ACCESS YOUR BACKERKIT. If you need help with it, please click the little "Need Help" button at the top of the page here:

Cool? Thanks, all! Now, that being said...

The next big thing is coming...

Pending no massive shipping delays from the printer (knock on wood, everyone), we're currently on track to have BUTTS IN SEATS: THE TONY SCHIAVONE STORY on shelves everywhere at the end of November, with shipping to all of you commencing before then as well! While we'll keep you posted through here, of course, it's also time to start talking preparing the next big thing...

While the next big thing is not another wrestling graphic novel (I'll hopefully be able to make that announcement later this year, but don't tell anyone I tipped you off, OK?), it IS something that I think will excite a lot of you who are horror fans... and like big books:

A demonic invasion plagued Earth for three days, and then it stopped... or did it? Mr. Rhee knows the truth...

As much as a loud and proud wrestling fan that I am, most comic readers know me as a horror comic writer, due in large part to my horror/noir comic series TALES OF MR. RHEE, a story about a street level magician who knows that the monstrous three-day "Rapture" that engulfed the world a few years prior is in fact not over, but was rather is just the first wave of what's coming next: something even worse that only Mr. Rhee knows about and is desperately trying to stop.

In a few weeks I'm teaming with Source Point Press to launch a campaign for the TALES OF MR. RHEE OMNIBUS: ACT ONE, which will collect the first four volumes of this series in a massive 550  graphic novel... and on Kickstarter we're offering it for only about $60 with FREE U.S. SHIPPING.

Yes... RHEE-ly.

If you like big books, or horror, or both (like me), my hope is that you'll consider supporting this new campaign when it goes live. To do so -- or at least check it out when it launches -- you can sign-up for am instant one-time notification when it goes live by clicking "Notify Me Upon Launch" right HERE. This will ensure you'll be made aware the moment the campaign goes live, giving you the quickest access to the best pledge levels.

(And for those of you who are old school comic fans, yes, that painted cover is by James O'Barr, the legendary creator of THE CROW. Sting fans, you know what I'm talking about, right?)

As if that's not a cool enough way to usher in the spooky season, we're also officially making this a double-header campaign by adding the brand new TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 5: "Rockstar Paranoia" to the preorder campaign as well! Look at THIS sweet cover by Richard Luong of CTHULHU WARS fame:

Wherein Mr. Rhee and friends(?) attempt to stop an evil rock band from summoning Cthulhu back to Earth once more...

 This volume will begin "Act Two" of the series  with a brand new 140 page Kickstarter Exclusive hardcover edition of the book written by me (of course)  and illustrated by Austin McKinley (the artist of the "AEW" chapter of BUTTS IN SEATS) and colored/lettered by Ringo Award nominated colorist Alessandro de Fornasari (TWIZTID HAUNTED HIGH-ONS). This will be a perfect jumping-on point for new readers, but if you want the story so far we'll also have a pledge level offering both books at a discounted price.

Aside from that deal, we're also offering a few more pretty cool pledge levels, including one where you can get a limited edition TALES OF MR. RHEE statue. Yes, seriously:

We're going to offer a "bust" made from this model as well, but, really, how awesome is THIS?!?

As I'm sure you've all all figured out by now, I love running Kickstarters for cool comics and graphic novels because it allows me and Source Point Press to offer all of you who preorder the books awesome pledge levels, rewards, and Stretch Goals that won't be available in stores after the campaign ends... so if you'd take a moment to "follow' this campaign so you can be notified upon launch, I'd appreciate it. Here's the direct link, friends:

Thanks, everyone! I hope you are all doing well and staying safe! Don't forget that both Tony and I will be guests at New York Comic Con this weekend (he's on the main floor, we believe, and I'm in Artist Alley at Table H8 -- as in "HATE!"), and we'll be doing a special BUTTS IN SEATS panel on Sunday as well along with Mike "Gimmick Attorney" Dockins, book editor Drena Jo, and more! If you can swing out, please do!

Otherwise, I'll be in touch again soon, as the books will be here before we know it... as will the release of TALES OF MR. RHEE!

Thanks for your support, everyone!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning